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Why Kubexercises?

Kubexercises came about during the creation of the book Érase una vez Kubernetes (Leanpub, Amazon) due to the author's desire to provide exercises that can be evaluated without the intervention of a person.

When people learn new content, they need to practice over and over again until they take ownership of the knowledge, but these practices are only effective if there is someone or something that can point out the mistakes that are made. In a training course this role is played by the teacher or mentor, but when reading a book there are only question forums or writing to the author to know the result.

On the other hand, the Kubernetes architecture allows to know at all times the state of all its objects and, therefore, it is possible to automate the evaluation process based on a set of instructions.

As a result of this background, the Kubexercises system is created, which has multiple exercises grouped by categories and with the ability to evaluate whether these exercises have been solved correctly.

This system can be very useful in training processes.